Gravio Connected Network Partner


Company Overview

LiveSenseis a service provider delivering comprehensive IoT solutions through itsproprietary cloud-based platform. As a hardware-agnostic provider, LiveSenseseamlessly integrates data from diverse sources, offering real-time visibilityanytime, anywhere. Clients can select from off-the-shelf solutions or customizeoptions to fit their specific needs. The platform includes intuitivedashboards, timely alerts, detailed reports, and advanced data analysis tools,accessible via desktop, mobile, or tablet using LiveSense’s apps. Key servicesinclude remote monitoring, asset tracking, environmental sensing, and systemintegration, all designed to empower clients with actionable insights andenhance operational efficiency.

Partnered Devices/Services

The integration of LiveSense, Gravio, and the LoRaWANcommunication protocol creates a powerful solution for managing IoT devices anddata. LoRaWAN connects IoT devices through its low-power, wide-area network,with support from manufacturers like MultiTech, Milesight, Elsys, and Netvox.Gravio’s edge computing platform works with MQTT brokers to handle data fromLoRaWAN gateways. It processes data locally, performs actions, and triggersevents based on sensor information. Gravio also aggregates and preprocessesdata before sending it to centralized services. LiveSense leverages advanceddata analytics to analyse data from MQTT topics, whether directly from Gravioor from its processed stream. This integration enables LiveSense to delivervaluable insights, trend analysis, anomaly detection, and actionablerecommendations, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency.

Device/Service Features

Gravio and LiveSense’s systems integrate seamlessly tocreate a robust IoT ecosystem. LiveSense specializes in data collection andanalytics from IoT devices, efficiently handling large volumes of data fromvarious sources. This makes it well-suited for industrial and enterpriseapplications. Gravio complements this by offering an IoT edge platform thatsimplifies the setup and management of IoT devices, supporting integrationswith various sensors and devices to ensure smooth data flow to LiveSense.

By leveraging Gravio’s edge capabilities, which includedirect interaction with IoT devices and local data management, LiveSense canconcentrate on advanced analytics and application-specific tasks. This approachminimizes unnecessary data transfers and ensures that only relevant informationis sent to the cloud or central systems. This is particularly advantageous forprocessing computer vision data.

Together, Gravio and LiveSense enhance real-timedecision-making and operational efficiency, benefiting environments such assmart buildings, industrial automation, and urban planning.

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